Human Performance Nicholas Martin-Jones Human Performance Nicholas Martin-Jones

10 Laws of Training: We Can All Learn From Louie Simmons At Westside Barbell

Louie Simmons has set the bar for strength—and strength and conditioning coaches from his invitation-only gym…..Westside Barbell in Columbus, Ohio. Simmons's style of training ties together ideas from scholars, athletes, and coaches from the former Soviet Union and Bulgaria, as well as years of training himself and others.

No matter what age you are or what your goals are we can all learn from Simmons, it doesn’t stop you applying the Westside philosophy and training principles to achieving your objectives.

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Human Performance, Nutrition Nicholas Martin-Jones Human Performance, Nutrition Nicholas Martin-Jones

Sweat is Just Fat Crying (some of it anyway).

Fat cells in humans develop primarily during childhood and puberty. After that, the number of fat cells in your body remains relatively stable. These cells make up adipose tissue, and they can send out hormones into the body to help regulate everything from metabolism to body weight.

Because we generally have a set number of these cells, gaining weight doesn't typically involve making more. Instead, individual cells expand as the digestive system breaks down and stores food for later use, then they shrink when the body turns to the fat cell in a moment of need

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Heat, Human Performance Nicholas Martin-Jones Heat, Human Performance Nicholas Martin-Jones

Understanding the risks involved in training in hot climates (25 °C+) and high humidity

Training in hot weather (over 25 °C) puts extra stress on your body. If you don't take care when exercising in the heat, you risk serious illness.   When you training in the heat your body sends more blood to circulate through your skin. This leaves less blood for your muscles (reduction in oxygen), which in turn increases your heart rate. If the humidity also is high, your body faces added stress because sweat doesn't readily evaporate from your skin. That pushes your body temperature even higher.  Both the exercise itself and the air temperature and humidity can increase your core body temperature.

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Human Performance, Rehabilitation Nicholas Martin-Jones Human Performance, Rehabilitation Nicholas Martin-Jones

Are you still doing static stretch in your warm up?

Static stretch has become ingrained in the psyche of athlete, coaches and personal trainers, with injury prevention and performance enhancement being given as justifications for its inclusion with this mantra repeated parrot fashion or ‘this is what your supposed to do’ and ‘we’ve always done this’. However, there is little, if any, evidence that stretching pre or post training prevents injury. Similarly, in terms of the performance enhancement elements, research suggests that rather than enhance subsequent performance, static stretching can compromise muscle performance.

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