Promoting Healthspan & Healthy Aging Through Exercise

Healthspan is the period of our life without major debilitating diseases. In the modern world where unhealthy lifestyle choices and chronic diseases taper the healthspan, which lead to an enormous burden on your loved ones and friends, not to mention the financial burden that comes with none independent living.. It is therefore vital we preserves the quality of life and extend your healthspan for you and your family. Finding ways to promote healthspan becomes a pressing goal of the scientific community. Exercise, one of humanity’s most ancient and effective lifestyle interventions, appears to be at the centre of the solution since it can both treat and prevent the occurrence of many chronic diseases. In this series of blogs, I will review the current evidence and opinions about regular exercise promoting healthspan through enhancing the functionality of our organ systems and preventing diseases.

Two thousand and two hundred years have passed since the first Chinese emperor, Qin Shi Huang, ordered a nationwide hunt for the elixir for eternal life [1]. Throughout the history of modern medicine, much like the emperor’s dream, scientists have never halted the search for ways to extend our lifespan. In the past 50 years, extensive research and development with tremendous amount of investment have led to an increase of lifespan in the U.S. by 10 years [2]. In 2019, there were over 703 million of the world population aged 65 or more; this number is projected to be over 1.5 billion by 2050 [3]. However, healthspan, the period of our life without major debilitating diseases, has not been prolonged [2]. Because aging remains the most important risk factor for nearly all chronic diseases [4,5], this creates a conundrum that the extended lifespan without improvement of healthspan leads to significant aging of the society and unsustainable economy.

Lifespan in the U.S. has increased by 10 years, However, healthspan has not increased

Evidence and theories from research in the recent decades have shown that human life expectancy may have reached or come close to a limit set primarily by natural causes (chronic diseases) and genetics [6,7]. The concept of “healthy aging”, that is, to maximally expand the expectancy of healthy living before a person suffers from permanent aging-associated disabilities and chronic diseases, has emerged in the past two decades and gained significant popularity [8,9,10]. In the 21st century, there is a dire need of research on extending our healthspan [11,12,13]. Much like lifespan, healthspan can be influenced by numerous factors, namely genetics, environmental factors, social-economic status, lifestyle choices including dietary intake, physical activities, etc

Exercise as Medicine to Promote Healthspan

The most ancient and potent “medicine” known to mankind that promotes healthspan is the engagement in organised, repeated and purposeful physical activities, or exercise training. The first documented exercise prescriptions by surgeons can be traced back to thousands of years ago in various ancient civilisations like the Ancient Greece and the Yellow River Civilisation in China [14]. Over the recent decades, public health studies have shown indisputable evidence that high physical fitness is the most crucial factor for delaying all-cause mortality and the onset of chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders and cancer [15,16,17]. Immense amount of research evidence has also demonstrated that long-term exercise training reshapes the molecular basis of multiple organ systems, including cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, neurological, endocrine and immune system [18,19,20]. For example, in a 12-year study in over 400,000 individuals, Wen et al. found the evidence that led to the conclusion that even 15 min a day or 90 min a week of moderate intensity exercise can reduce all-cause mortality [21].

15 min a day or 90 min a week of moderate intensity exercise can reduce all-cause mortality

Overall, exercise can be divided into two types: endurance and resistance exercise. Endurance exercise, often called aerobic exercise, is defined as exercise regimens that heavily rely on oxygen-utilizing energy metabolism, i.e., mitochondrial respiration, such as distance running, swimming and cycling. The main effects of endurance exercise include increase in mitochondrial content, capillary density, mass of slow-twitch oxidative myofibers and proportion of fast-twitch, oxidative myofibers in skeletal muscles along with enhanced cardiorespiratory function [22,23,24]. Resistance exercise, sometimes referred to as anaerobic exercise, relies primarily on anaerobic energy metabolism, namely creatine phosphate (CP) and anaerobic glycolysis for force production in a short period of time with less reliance on oxygen consumption. Typical resistance exercise regimens are heavy, low-rep weight training like deadlifts, squat, presses, pulls and sprinting. Adaptation of resistance exercise mainly include hypertrophy of the fast-twitch, glycolytic muscles, and usually does not or only moderately increase mitochondrial content [25,26]. Recent evidence suggests that although quantity of mitochondria might be unaltered, resistance exercise may still improve functionality of existing mitochondria, suggesting resistance exercise may also contribute to the regulation of mitochondrial quality [27].

Although the most direct executers of exercise are skeletal muscle and heart, regular exercise also leads to systemic changes in virtually all organ systems with superb, multifaceted benefits to health.

exercise training remains the most potent “medicine” that preserves quality of life and expands healthspan. The molecular understanding of exercise impacts in different organ systems reinstates that exercise is the most powerful lifestyle intervention against chronic diseases. While human lifespan seems to approach its limit, great potentials lie in promoting physical activities among any given communities to improve the healthspan and possibly lifespan as well.

In this series of in-depth Blogs, I will summarise current opinions and evidence on how exercise training is important in promoting healthspan through enhancing the functionality of the cardiovascular system, skeletal muscle, nervous system and preventing the occurrence of cancer.

In the next Blog I will discuss the cardiovascular system and the exercise benefits in promoting cardiovascular function.

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